the true Facts about the Vitamins what we are consuming

An amount of the vitamins which are available in fruits and vegetables are lost between the farm and your plate. If you store the food materials for longtime before you eat them, the more nutrients are lost. Heat, light, and exposure to air all reduce the amount of vitamins, especially Vitamin C, thiamin, and folic acid. 

About 25% of US households do not have balanced meals to meet the requirements that the body needs in digesting enough nutrients to sustain the body's health and fuel factors. 

In india the percentage is still worse. Even we are not at getting any vitamins from the so called Vitamin tablets.

Thats why Amway having their own farms and labs to preserve the vitality of vitamins and giving their food suppliments thriugh Nutrilite which is no 1  in the world. They are packed with the total vitality under the supervision of well knowledged scientists. 

Research has shown that almost all varieties of disease can be produced by the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients. Vitamins are vital for your skin. The most important factor of nutritional deficiencies is the intense processing and refining of foods like cereals and sugar. 
The human body uses food to manufacture all its building blocks as well as to provide fuel. To do this, it performs several thousand different chemical reactions. Each reaction is controlled by "enzymes" and "coenzymes". Some of the coenzymes contain vitamins which the body cannot make by itself and which must be obtained from outside the body.Among them CoQ10 is very important for Heart patients, people suffering from Parkinson and etc